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Violence erupts during nasujaiset event at Klobben beach in Espoo

Thursday 22nd 2024 on 19:03 in  

At the Klobben beach in Espoo, a traditional senior student event known as “nasujaiset” turned violent, resulting in injuries to first-year students. The principals of both Espoonlahden and Matinkylä high schools emphasized that they cannot take disciplinary action in leisure events, stating that responsibility lies with the parents.

Nasujaiset is a custom where upperclassmen humiliate newcomers, but participation should not be coerced. Witnesses reported that some second-year students from Espoonlahden acted aggressively towards their Matinkylä counterparts, with similar behaviors observed among Matinkylä’s second-year students.

Various reports confirm that the event escalated dramatically, prompting concerns about safety. Eyewitness accounts described an atmosphere of brutality, noting that some first-year attendees were visibly distressed. Video footage captured incidents of participants being pelted with eggs and doused with vinegar, resulting in at least one student developing a medical condition due to vinegar exposure.

Reportedly, older students forced newcomers into the sea and instructed them to engage in various sexual poses while also making them crawl through a kiddie pool filled with waste. Additional incidents involved throwing flour, mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, and buttermilk at first-years, as well as physical assaults with nettles.

Espoonlahden principal Juha Kivioja stated that the number of first-year students participating was low, but he wanted to clarify the level of participation and behavior of the second-year students. Kivioja expressed a desire to work with parents to put an end to this tradition, which he describes as pure bullying.

Both principals confirmed that their ability to intervene in these leisure activities is limited, urging parents to take responsibility for their children’s participation. They plan to communicate more strongly with parents next year to ensure student safety.

(via yle.fi)