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Parents unite for smartphone-free childhood movement in Denmark

Thursday 22nd 2024 on 18:58 in  

Every afternoon, six-year-old Leonora and her nine-year-old brother Valdemar return home from school to a familiar routine with their dad, William Kvist. It starts with their packed lunches on the kitchen table, shoes in the cupboard, and then a mandatory ten minutes of sofa time spent reading library books, with even the family dog, Carlo, settling down in the living room.

William, a former football player, emphasizes the importance of unplugging from social media during this time. He believes that letting children have smartphones too early is detrimental, a conviction that has made him one of around a thousand parents involved in a movement promoting a “smartphone-free childhood.” These parents have pledged to delay giving their children smartphones until at least the eighth grade. He expresses concern about the challenges his children face when peers have access to social media platforms like Snapchat.

The initiative encourages parents to connect once a certain number agree to the pledge, helping them resist pressure from their children’s classmates. William is also aware that the issue of smartphones is becoming a broader concern among parents, with new networks like “Skærmsund barndom” aiming to create socially responsible media alternatives devoid of advertising influence.

In Valdemar’s third-grade class, many classmates already possess smartwatches and smartphones. Valdemar acknowledges feeling somewhat excluded but has made an agreement to receive a basic phone when he enters fourth grade. Meanwhile, William hopes to rally fellow parents during upcoming meetings to advocate for a collective approach to avoid early smartphone use. He remains resolute in his parenting style, recognizing that it might seem unconventional but is grounded in his values and experiences as a footballer.

(via dr.dk)