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3G network shutdown begins across Northern Finland as transition to 4G and 5G accelerates

Thursday 22nd 2024 on 17:48 in  

In Eastern and Northern Finland, the decommissioning of the 3G network is underway this autumn. The shutdown, managed by the shared network owned by DNA and Telia, began in Southeastern Finland earlier this spring. All mobile operators are transitioning to newer mobile technologies, with DNA having already shut down its 3G network and Telia currently in the process of doing so. Elisa discontinued its 3G frequencies last year.

According to a statement from the Finnish shared network, the shutdown of the 3G network will free up frequencies and resources that were previously occupied by outdated technology, allowing for safer and more efficient 4G and 5G technologies to utilize them. The complete 5G network for the Finnish shared network is expected to be finished by the end of the year. To ensure reliable connections and sufficient capacity, improvements to the 4G network have also been made.

The schedule for the shutdown of the 3G network is as follows:

– Week 36 (September 2-8): Haapavesi, Iisalmi, Kajaani, Kiuruvesi, Kuopio, Lapinlahti, Lieksa, Muhos, Nurmes, Oulainen, Pyhäntä, Raahe, Rautavaara, Siikajoki, Siikalatva, Sonkajärvi, Sotkamo, Tyrnävä, Valtimo, Vieremä
– Week 37 (September 9-15): Oulu, Kempele
– Week 38 (September 16-22): Hailuoto, Hyrynsalmi, Ii, Liminka, Lumijoki, Paltamo, Puolanka, Ristijärvi, Utajärvi, Vaala
– Week 39 (September 23-29): Kemi, Keminmaa, Kittilä, Kolari, Kuhmo, Muonio, Pello, Rovaniemi, Simo, Suomussalmi, Tervola, Tornio, Ylitornio

The shutdown of the 3G network will continue throughout Northern Finland in October and November.

(via yle.fi)