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VTT launches pilot facility for fiber product manufacturing in Jyväskylä

Thursday 22nd 2024 on 08:03 in  

The Finnish Technology Research Center VTT is making strides in its research program focused on fiber-based product manufacturing processes. Last year, VTT announced the construction of a pilot facility for fiber products in Jyväskylä. The new testing equipment will enable the production of various fiber materials, including paper, cardboard, and non-woven fabrics. According to Harri Kiiskinen, VTT’s lead researcher, the facility will be approximately 20 meters long and will be utilized in developing new materials across various projects.

The supplier for this equipment has now been selected, with preparations underway. Anpap, which designs, manufactures, and supplies airlaid dry paper machines, will provide the machinery. Kiiskinen noted that while the current paper-making process is water-based, the new method will focus on dry fiber, allowing for significant water and energy savings.

The research program aims to reduce the water usage in fiber product manufacturing by 90% and energy consumption by up to 50%. Approximately 50 companies are participating in this investment, including industry giants such as Valmet, Stora Enso, UPM, Unilever, and Fiberwood, highlighting a strong collaborative spirit in the initiative.

Named “Energy First,” the program encompasses multiple projects and the development of a shared research environment in Jyväskylä. The overall budget for the program is around €20 million.

Demand for fiber-based packaging is projected to grow by 5% to 10% annually, driven by the rise of e-commerce. Therefore, developing scalable, high-quality, and easily recyclable packaging with a significantly smaller carbon footprint is crucial. Additionally, VTT is seeking cellulose-based alternatives to plastic. The pilot facility is expected to be operational in late September or October of next year.

(via yle.fi)