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Half a million children identified as Generation Alpha in Sweden

Wednesday 21st 2024 on 21:58 in  

Currently, half a million children belong to Generation Alpha, born in 2010 and beyond, making them the largest generation in the country. Though still in a formative stage, insights into this future adult generation are emerging, as revealed in this year’s Youth Barometer survey.

Gaming emerges as a central theme, with “gamer” being the most common identity among children aged 7-14, particularly noted by 36% of boys who identify primarily as such. Among boys in middle school, an impressive 88% reported gaming on a typical day after school. This interest is not limited to boys; it extends significantly to girls as well.

Many children are also inclined to spend their own money on games, reflecting a broader interest in earning money and spending in various forms. The survey indicates that from an early age, Generation Alpha exhibits consumer behavior; many have their own spending money from allowances, creating a habit of purchasing items at a young age.

As children transition into social media through their first mobile phones, a stark shift occurs. By age 14, 65% engage with social media outside school hours, where trends spread rapidly. Notably, 14% of young girls identify as “soft girls,” while only 3% consider themselves feminists. Despite some decline in optimism with age, young children retain a hopeful outlook for the future.

Interests also include animals and nature, explaining why many dream of becoming veterinarians or gardeners. A strong desire to help others is evident among this age group.

(via svt.se)