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Ministers sign revised transport agreement worth 311 billion krónur in Kópavogur

Wednesday 21st 2024 on 21:38 in  

Ministers who signed a revised transport agreement worth 311 billion Icelandic krónur for the capital region today acknowledge that the project may be more time-consuming and expensive than initially anticipated. Both Sæbraut and Hafnarfjarðarvegur in Garðabær are expected to be put underground.

The updated transport agreement, signed in Kópavogur, outlines six major projects for road infrastructure in the capital area. These include improvements on Reykjanesbraut at the junction with Bústaðaveg, the Sæbraut tunnel, Miklubraut tunnels, Reykjanesbraut connecting to Álftanesvegur and Lækjargata, the Garðabæ tunnel, and Arnarnesvegur. Additionally, a new public transport line will be constructed in six phases, with the first phase covering Ártúnshöfði, Hlemm, and Hamraborg, expected to be completed by 2040.

Mayor Einar Þorsteinsson expressed optimism about increased utilization of public transport, with 70% of residents projected to be within 400 meters of a bus stop, requiring no more than a 10-minute wait. The state will contribute to public transport operations, covering one-third of the costs.

Plans extend to 2040, with an anticipated cost of 310 billion krónur, financed mainly by the state through direct allocations, land sales, and road fees. Infrastructure Minister Svandís Svavarsdóttir hailed the day as significant for democracy, emphasizing the need to shift focus from private vehicle solutions to promoting walking, cycling, and public transport.

Concerns were raised by Prime Minister Bjarni Benediktsson and Finance Minister Sigurður Ingi Jóhannsson about the challenges of executing such ambitious plans amid worker shortages, implying potential delays and increased costs. All officials agreed on the pressing need to address worsening traffic congestion.

(via ruv.is)