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Record number of new students enrolled at vocational school in Akureyri, Iceland

Wednesday 21st 2024 on 20:28 in  

A record number of new students have enrolled at the Vocational School in Akureyri this year, with nearly one-third entering vocational programs. Interest in technical fields continues to rise; however, many applicants are still being turned away.

Approximately one thousand students will begin their studies this autumn at VMA, marking the highest number of new entrants directly from primary school to date. The vocational school offers both academic and vocational education, with over 30% of the newcomers pursuing vocational training— a percentage that has been steadily increasing each year. Nationwide, there has been a 10% increase in student applications for vocational programs year-on-year.

Despite the growing interest, there remains the persistent challenge of insufficient space to accommodate all applicants. Sigríður Huld Jónsdóttir, the principal of VMA, stated that after accepting new students, there is no room left for older students. She emphasized that not everyone can enroll in their desired programs due to capacity limitations.

Over a year ago, the Minister of Education announced plans to expand four high schools offering vocational training, including VMA, to meet the increasing demand. However, the timeline for this expansion is uncertain. Sigríður expressed urgency, stating that delays cannot continue, as present facilities are becoming inadequate for both students and staff.

New students at VMA embody the diverse educational offerings available, with many expressing excitement and apprehension about starting a new chapter in their lives. Personal stories highlight the transition challenges faced by those moving away from home to begin their vocational education.

(via ruv.is)