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Metsähallitus to release Saimaa ringed seal pup into wild for first time in Finland

Wednesday 21st 2024 on 17:03 in  

Metsähallitus, the Finnish National Board of Forestry, plans to release a Saimaa ringed seal pup back into its natural habitat. This will mark the first time a seal cared for at Metsähallitus facilities is returned to the wild. The pup was taken in after it was spotted languishing on a dock for prolonged periods in Saimaan Pihlajavesi while in poor condition.

Metsähallitus received multiple reports in June regarding the malnourished seal, which was subsequently rescued for rehabilitation. Specialist Miina Auttila notes that most seals entering care are typically too weak to survive in the wild. However, the pup did not exhibit any external injuries from boat propellers or other causes.

After nearly two months of care, overseen by veterinarians from Korkeasaari Zoo and municipal animal doctors, the seal has shown significant improvement. Metsähallitus maintains a separate sealing room in its basement facilities to minimize risks of transmission from other animals.

When the pup was rescued, its ribcage was visible through its damp fur, prompting initial cautious feeding. Auttila explains that feeding began with hydration and soft food, and after a few weeks, the seal’s digestive health improved, allowing it to gain weight. It is now gaining approximately 200 grams per day and consuming around two kilograms of Saimaa vendace daily.

Auttila anticipates the seal will be ready for release in the coming weeks, particularly in Kolovesi where there is less gill net fishing than in Pihlajavesi, increasing the pup’s chances of survival. Metsähallitus has submitted a permit request to the local ELY Centre to authorize the release in a location other than Pihlajavesi.

(via yle.fi)