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Danish Minister Hummelgaard to meet Faroese Minister Petersen in Tórshavn for prison discussions

Wednesday 21st 2024 on 14:23 in  
Faroe Islands

Tomorrow, Danish Minister of Justice, Peter Hummelgaard, will meet with Bjarni Kárason Petersen, the Minister of Justice in the Faroe Islands, in Tórshavn to discuss the location of a new prison in the Faroe Islands and fines imposed by Faroese authorities in criminal matters.

The discussion will focus on whether these fines should go to the Danish treasury or be directed into the Faroe Islands’ budget.

Seven potential sites have been identified by ten municipalities where the new prison could be constructed. However, a decision on the final location will not be made at tomorrow’s meeting, according to Bjarni Kárason Petersen.

In addition to the prison discussions, the ministers will also address the 8.7 million DKK allocated to the Faroe Islands from an agreement concerning the courts in the Danish realm. This funding is intended for the IT systems of the Faroese judicial system.

During his visit to the Faroe Islands, Hummelgaard will also meet with the representative of the Kingdom and visit the police, the prison facility, and the Faroese courts.

Furthermore, the Danish Minister will be present when the police officially inaugurate the new shooting range in Norðradal on Friday.

(via kvf.fo)