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Tænk wins case against Alexander Husum for promoting unhealthy food to children in Denmark

Wednesday 21st 2024 on 13:58 in  

Consumer Council Tænk has won a case against influencer Alexander Husum for promoting the burger chain The Burger Concept. The council argued that Husum, who targets children as a significant part of his audience, advertised food high in fat and salt. The Food Marketing Forum agreed, stating that the advertisement violated the industry’s code for marketing unhealthy food to children, prompting criticism.

Tænk expressed satisfaction with the ruling, emphasizing the need to protect children from food advertisements. They pointed out that while protections exist on radio, television, and other media, gaps remain on social media platforms. According to the code, marketing high-fat, sugar, and salt foods is prohibited in media aimed at children under 13.

During the summer, customers at The Burger Concept enjoyed a burger promoted by Husum in a lengthy advertisement on his YouTube channel, which he described as “delicious, delicious, delicious.” He added that it needed to look healthy to persuade parents to buy it. The Food Marketing Forum noted this comment reinforced the appeal to children. Husum has acknowledged that a portion of his audience is under 13, categorizing him as a media entity partially aimed at children.

In response to the ruling, The Burger Concept disagreed with the assertion that their campaign targeted children, claiming such marketing does not make business sense. However, following the decision, the chain will discontinue the sale of Husum’s burger and milkshake and remove all related promotional content from their social media profiles. Additionally, the Minister of Business has convened influencers and industry organizations to discuss proper marketing practices.

(via dr.dk)