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Prosecutor seeks custodial sentences for two men involved in attempted murder in Turku

Wednesday 21st 2024 on 13:33 in  

A prosecutor is seeking custodial sentences for two men involved in attempted murder and firearm offenses stemming from a shooting incident in Turku last May. The Varsinais-Suomi District Court began proceedings on the case on Wednesday.

According to the indictment, both men were passengers in the same car and shot at each other from inside the vehicle. The first accused fired three shots before experiencing a malfunction with his weapon, preventing him from firing again despite further attempts. None of the shots fired by him hit the second man. The second accused fired four shots, two of which struck the first accused, causing him serious injuries.

In addition to the attempted murder charges, the prosecutor is also seeking convictions for firearm offenses and endangering public safety against both defendants. The prosecutor stated that the shots fired penetrated the car’s structure and exited through the windows. The incident occurred on a Monday afternoon in an area with heavy traffic.

Police previously reported that the situation originated on Varkkavuorenkatu, from where the vehicle traveled to Tampereentie, where authorities managed to stop the car used by the suspects. Both defendants deny any wrongdoing related to the attempted murder charge.

(via yle.fi)