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Public spending sees significant changes in Denmark from 2019 to 2023

Wednesday 21st 2024 on 12:18 in  
Faroe Islands

There is a significant disparity in public spending on goods and services between 2019 and 2023, according to recent financial statements. The spending has seen substantial growth, primarily driven by increases in wages, inflation, and the number of available services. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic has played a role in this increase in expenditures.

The largest growth was noted in services purchased for public institutions in Denmark. These involved specific arrangements that turned out to be very costly.

This information was shared by SiriĆ° Stenberg, the Minister of Health, in response to a query from Johan Dahl, a member of the Parliament, about administrative spending in the public sector.

In 2015, public spending amounted to approximately 22 million Danish kroner for administration and 296.3 million kroner for external services. By 2019, these figures had risen to 27.4 million kroner for administration and 398.6 million kroner for external services. However, in 2023, administrative spending decreased to 24.4 million kroner, while external operations cost 516.6 million kroner last year.

(via kvf.fo)