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Danish consumer organization Tænk finds 30 out of 38 Temu products fail safety standards

Wednesday 21st 2024 on 12:03 in  
Faroe Islands

The Danish consumer organization Tænk conducted an evaluation of 38 products from the Chinese online retailer Temu, finding that 30 of them did not meet safety standards.

These products do not comply with the regulations applicable in Europe, which raises significant health concerns and poses dangers for users. This is particularly alarming regarding products intended for children, according to Tænk.

In response, Temu stated that the products identified as non-compliant by Tænk are not available for sale while the company conducts its own investigation.

The Faroe Islands are not among the countries permitted to purchase items from Temu. According to the postal service, they have not processed any packages from Temu.

(via kvf.fo)