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Sweden’s Justice Minister Gunnar Strömmer to meet with Danish officials amid rising organized crime concerns

Tuesday 20th 2024 on 22:48 in  

In Denmark, stronger border controls and surveillance measures have already been implemented in recent weeks. Now, there is also increasing pressure on Swedish politicians to take action. On Wednesday, Sweden’s Justice Minister Gunnar Strömmer and National Police Chief Petra Lundh are set to travel to Copenhagen for discussions on the matter.

The objective is to jointly address the rise in organized crime affecting both Denmark and Sweden. Strömmer acknowledged that young people under 15 years suspected of involvement in murder plots have more than tripled since last year, as recent figures from the Prosecution Authority indicate. A significant portion of the recruitment of young perpetrators occurs through social media and encrypted chats.

Strömmer admitted that part of the fight against serious crime involves pressing technology companies to take accountability. “This is something I will discuss with my Danish colleague tomorrow,” he stated.

Ardalan Shekarabi, the Social Democrats’ spokesperson on legal matters, emphasized that discussions alone are insufficient. He insists on the need for concrete legislation both at the national level and within the EU: “I believe there have been too many meetings, and it’s time to utilize the tools we actually have,” he said. “Companies must take responsibility. They must be compelled to do so.”

The growing concerns revolve around organized criminal networks and gang violence, with Swedish criminals increasingly active in Denmark. The situation has raised alarms about the involvement of youth in serious criminal activities and the role of tech giants in mitigating these threats.

(via svt.se)