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Iceland faces cucumber shortage amid TikTok salad trend

Tuesday 20th 2024 on 22:28 in  

Iceland is currently experiencing a shortage of cucumbers, which may be linked to a surge in popularity of cucumber salad on social media platforms, especially TikTok. The trend has resulted in over 150,000 videos posted under the hashtag “cucumber salad,” as influencers worldwide showcase their own versions of the dish.

Helga Margrét Gunnarsdóttir, one of Iceland’s top food influencers, remarked on the difficulties in sourcing cucumbers recently. According to the Icelandic Growers’ Sales Association, there is indeed a shortage of cucumbers in the market. While it cannot be definitively stated that TikTok is the sole cause, producers are responding by increasing cucumber production.

Aside from cucumbers, other products have also seen sales skyrocket due to social media trends. For instance, sales of sesame oil, rice vinegar, and fish sauce have reportedly tripled at the supermarket chain Krónan, with sesame oil often selling out. Online searches for these products have surged by up to 200%.

Experts attribute these changes to the significant impact of social media on marketing strategies in recent years. Companies are continually monitoring online discussions to identify trending products, allowing them to adjust their inventory accordingly. For example, following the rising popularity of iced coffee in Iceland, Krónan expanded its offerings of ready-made iced coffee drinks and related accessories.

This evolving landscape underlines the growing influence of social media on consumer behavior and market trends in Iceland, resulting in notable shifts in product availability and sales.

(via ruv.is)