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Norwegian Competition Authority to announce findings in price-scraper case involving Coop, Norgesgruppen, and Rema

Tuesday 20th 2024 on 20:54 in  

Central sources confirm that the Norwegian Competition Authority is set to announce its conclusions in the so-called price-scraper case on Wednesday morning. This investigation began in 2018 when the Authority acted against Coop, Norgesgruppen, and Rema to gather evidence amid suspicions of illegal collusion involving the use of price scrapers in stores.

In 2020, the Authority proposed fines totaling 21 billion kroner for the three major players in the grocery sector. The upcoming announcement will determine whether fines will be imposed or if the case will be dismissed altogether.

On Tuesday evening, the government expressed concerns regarding the competitive landscape in the grocery industry, highlighting that the sector is dominated by a small number of large actors, making it challenging for smaller and newer companies to establish themselves. Industry Minister Cecilie Myrseth emphasized that the rising food prices are noticeably affecting consumers.

Myresth indicated that the government is closely monitoring the grocery sector’s competitive situation and contemplating new measures. The administration is also working on initiatives to address price discrimination and provide additional tools for the Competition Authority.

“We have initiated many measures to improve competition in the grocery sector, and collectively, these efforts over time can contribute to better competition, lower prices, and a wider selection in stores,” she stated.

(via nrk.no)