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New director aims to promote Stórhøllin Við Tjarnir for international events in Greenland

Tuesday 20th 2024 on 19:58 in  
Faroe Islands

Regin W. Dalsgaard, 40, brings extensive experience from the business sector and holds a degree in international sales and marketing. As the newly appointed director, one of his primary objectives is to ensure year-round utilization of the large exhibition space, he stated.

Scheduled to open in late January 2025, the Stórhøllin Við Tjarnir will undergo practical preparations over the next six months, and Dalsgaard plans to promote the facility for international events.

The Stórhøllin Við Tjarnir spans three levels and boasts a total floor area of 8,100 square meters. It is designed to host a variety of events ranging from national sports competitions to major concerts, as well as community gatherings and conferences.

(via kvf.fo)