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Cecilie Skov voices frustration over train cancellations by GoCollective in Jutland

Tuesday 20th 2024 on 18:43 in  

Cecilie Skov from Ry near Skanderborg is growing increasingly frustrated with the frequent train cancellations by the operator GoCollective. Over the past six months, the transport company has canceled numerous services in central and western Jutland, and fewer trains will be running for the rest of the year. Skov expressed her discontent, stating, “We really want to use public transport, but it’s difficult when trains are late or canceled.”

In June, Transport Minister Thomas Danielsen allowed GoCollective until the end of the year to address the cancellations. Additionally, a penalty of 1,500 kroner was imposed for each missed stop. However, despite these measures, a busy autumn filled with cancellations looms. This week alone, more cancellations have affected the Aarhus – Silkeborg – Herning route, and bus replacements are being added on several routes between Give and Herning.

Sofie Lippert, the Transport spokesperson for the Socialists, has voiced her dissatisfaction regarding the cancellations and has sought clarification from the minister on GoCollective’s compliance with the agreement made. She emphasizes the importance of understanding whether the ultimatum given in June grants GoCollective a free pass until the New Year or if solutions are being actively pursued.

In response to ongoing cancellations, Skov and her family are considering purchasing an additional car to manage their daily lives. “It’s absurd to discuss green transition and improvement of public transport when train services are so unreliable that we feel compelled to buy a second car,” she stated.

While GoCollective acknowledges the issue, CEO Erik Poulstrup attributed delays to lengthy supply chain times caused by reliance on suppliers also servicing the defense industry. Lippert is committed to finding solutions to alleviate these challenges before the year’s end.

(via dr.dk)