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Ölfus awaits dispute resolution between First Water and Heidelberg over proposed factory environmental concerns

Tuesday 20th 2024 on 16:24 in  

The municipality of Ölfus is currently awaiting the outcome of a dispute between the land farming company First Water and the German cement manufacturer Heidelberg regarding environmental concerns related to a proposed factory. A local referendum on the Heidelberg crushing plant near Þorlákshöfn was postponed in May after First Water raised objections to its construction.

Elliði Vignisson, the mayor of Ölfus, emphasized the need to thoroughly evaluate the validity of the criticism before scheduling the community vote. The plant is intended to grind tuff sourced from local quarries. The criticism from First Water garnered significant attention and disrupted plans for the referendum, which was originally set to coincide with the presidential elections in early June.

Council member Ása Berglind Hjálmarsdóttir has voiced her concerns regarding the compatibility of mining activities with land-based salmon farming in Ölfus. She highlighted the community’s relatively young history, noting, “We do not need to exploit nature to sustain ourselves.”

In response, Þorsteinn Víglundsson from Heidelberg stated that the company is actively addressing the concerns raised by First Water about the factory’s environmental impact. He asserted that operations could coexist with salmon farming, stating there is no indication that their activities would disrupt local aquaculture.

The municipality’s next steps involve awaiting the resolution of this dispute regarding dust pollution before proceeding with the community vote. A recent poll by Heidelberg revealed that local opinions are divided, with one-third of residents supporting the factory, another third opposing it, and the remaining third undecided. The outcome of the dispute could potentially influence residents’ views on the project.

(via ruv.is)