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Man assaulted while walking dog in Vikersund, Norway

Tuesday 20th 2024 on 14:54 in  

A man walking his dog was brutally assaulted in Vikersund, Norway, last week during the daytime. A video of the attack has circulated widely on social media, prompting police to arrest an 18-year-old suspect on Monday.

As of Tuesday afternoon, police confirmed that the suspect is facing charges of bodily harm and will appear before a court for a custody hearing on Wednesday. He is also connected to several other violent incidents over the past six months, according to the Sør-Øst police district. The 18-year-old has been interviewed by law enforcement, although details of his statements remain undisclosed. Prosecutors will request four weeks of pre-trial detention due to concerns about the risk of re-offending.

The victim, who has previously confronted local youths, stated he approached a group of eight to ten teenagers to ask them to quiet down. After facing verbal backlash, he was punched in the face, causing him to fall and hit his head on the asphalt. The assault has shocked the local community, with many expressing a growing concern over youth violence.

Furthermore, reports indicate that the 18-year-old has a history with law enforcement, having been involved in multiple criminal cases, including robbery and assault. The local police station chief, Kjell Magne Tvenge, maintains that Modum is a generally safe municipality despite these recent challenges, stressing that the violence stems from a small group of individuals.

(via nrk.no)