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Caution urged after hikers threatened by cattle on Panoramaruten trail in Bramslev Bakker, Denmark

Tuesday 20th 2024 on 14:03 in  

Interactions between people and animals in nature do not always end peacefully, as nature enthusiasts have recently discovered while exploring the partially closed ‘Panoramaruten’ hiking trail at Bramslev Bakker near Hobro. Several hikers have reported feeling threatened by cattle, with some being knocked over and at least one person gored.

Karin Winther, a nature guide in the Vesthimmerland Municipality, emphasizes the need for hikers to be mindful of their behavior in areas with grazing animals. She notes a general lack of understanding about how to act in such environments, stating that it’s crucial for individuals to avoid walking between a cow and its calf, as that is where accidents often occur. If cattle and calves are present on marked trails, Winther advises hikers to take a wide detour around them.

While most animals are not aggressive, hikers should remain cautious and respect their surroundings. Winther encourages people not to let fear keep them from hiking, highlighting that grazing animals play a vital role in maintaining biodiversity. “Without our four-legged companions—what I call them—grass would overgrow, leaving no space for the hardy plants that support our ecosystems,” she explained.

The only reason to avoid hiking this time of year should be personal apprehensions about encountering certain animals. For those who feel uneasy around sheep, cows, or horses, Winther suggests choosing trails without these animals. In the meantime, the Mariagerfjord Municipality is working to reopen the entire Panoramaruten as soon as possible for hikers eager to explore.

(via dr.dk)