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Police officers authorized to carry electric guns in Iceland starting next month

Tuesday 20th 2024 on 12:28 in  

Starting next month, police officers will be authorized to carry electric guns during their work. Over 460 officers have completed training to use these weapons, which will be distributed to police departments early next month, according to a statement from the Chief of Police.

A recent survey conducted by Gallup revealed that a majority of the population supports the police carrying electric guns while on duty, with 51.1% of respondents either strongly or somewhat in favor. The survey indicated that men and individuals over the age of 35, particularly those aged 46-55, are more supportive of this measure. Additionally, respondents with upper secondary education showed higher approval compared to those with only primary education or higher education. Residents of the Westfjords and the SuĂ°urnes region were also more in favor compared to those in other areas.

Respondents were asked under what circumstances they would support the use of electric guns by police. Approximately 82.3% agreed that it would be appropriate if an individual threatened others with a knife, and 78.4% were supportive if the individual was armed with a knife. However, 49.7% opposed the use of electric guns if individuals aged 15-18 exhibited violent behavior, and 43.7% disapproved if an individual was experiencing a mental health crisis.

The Chief of Police stated that the use of these weapons will be closely monitored, with automatic record-keeping and video recordings from police body cameras. Additionally, statistics on their usage will be regularly published to ensure transparency.

(via ruv.is)