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Orpo addresses exploitation and human trafficking issues in Finland’s seasonal workforce

Tuesday 20th 2024 on 11:58 in  

Prime Minister Petteri Orpo has expressed his dismay regarding cases of exploitation and human trafficking involving seasonal workers in the tourism and berry-picking industries in Finland. “I am ashamed that such examples of exploitation and outright slave labor exist in Finland. This does not belong in our country,” Orpo stated during a summer meeting of the National Coalition Party’s ministerial group in Rovaniemi.

Orpo emphasized that it is positive those cases have come to light and that perpetrators are being held accountable. He asserted the need for increased oversight and, if necessary, tightening of legislation to prevent similar exploitation cases from recurring. Currently, several human trafficking cases are underway in court, implicating berry-picking companies, with one official from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment also facing charges. “In this chain, the law was not followed, and the actors were not caught in time,” Orpo remarked.

Additionally, Orpo highlighted the necessity of attracting more international talent to support Finland’s growth. In his speech, he praised Lapland for understanding years ago that investments and growth cannot be hindered by a shortage of workers. “In Lapland, it is common to interact with foreign workers in hotels, restaurants, and grocery stores,” he noted.

The Prime Minister stressed that Finland should be a welcoming country where people can work safely. “It is important that people are willing to come, feel comfortable here, can work safely, and make a living,” he said. Orpo concluded that it is evident Finland needs more international experts to build its future success, referencing a recent analysis by The Economist that found foreign professionals view Finland as an attractive destination.

(via yle.fi)