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School policy in Ylivieska promotes phone-free breaks, enhancing student interaction

Tuesday 20th 2024 on 11:03 in  

During break time at Kivioja School in Ylivieska, students engage in various activities including playing and climbing, but notably, no one is seen scrolling on their phones. The school has established a policy where mobile phones must remain silent and in backpacks, unless a student has received explicit permission from a teacher to use them, for example, to contact a guardian. This approach was adopted in the early 2010s, when smartphones began to make their way into daily life.

The principal, Kosti Lehtiniemi, states that this policy has successfully minimized disruptions during lessons, allowing students to focus on learning rather than on entertainment from devices. While students can occasionally utilize personal or school devices for educational purposes during lessons, this is strictly monitored by teachers. Sixth grader Johannes Ruhkala reports he never brings his phone to school, while Niko Hautamäki mentions that during special situations, he asks his teacher for permission to use his phone.

During breaks, students are encouraged to engage in activities like sports or music, fostering social interaction. Olivia Lapinoja shares how enjoyable the school day can be without phones, highlighting a sense of community and inclusion among peers.

The use of mobile phones in schools varies across Finland. Many cities, including Helsinki, have implemented new rules restricting the use of devices during lessons. The Finnish government is currently preparing legislation aimed at more effectively addressing phone usage in schools, which is expected to be brought to the parliament this fall.

Lehtiniemi welcomes the discussion around these issues, deeming legislative changes as potentially beneficial to further support schools in managing mobile phone use.

(via yle.fi)