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Engineers face barriers as student funding denied to Narvik resident Vegard Olsen for aerospace studies in London

Tuesday 20th 2024 on 10:54 in  

Engineers with vocational training are the most sought after, which makes the story of Vegard Olsen, who was denied student support, particularly shocking. Gisle Lømo Stensvold, head of NITO Nordland, Norway’s largest organization for engineers and technologists, expressed his concern after learning about Olsen’s situation.

Olsen, from Narvik, intended to move to London with his girlfriend, Vilde, to study aerospace engineering, a field the local industry desperately needs. Despite being accepted into the program, he was denied financial aid from Lånekassen, Norway’s student loan center, because he only completed a preparatory course following vocational training without obtaining general study competence.

The couple had to rethink their plans, as Olsen needed financial support to study abroad. He mentioned that representatives from the English institution only considered his mathematics and physics qualifications while overlooking other subjects. Without the preparatory course, he would have lacked the foundational knowledge in these areas to gain admission.

Stensvold expressed dismay at Lånekassen’s stringent requirements, stating that it contradicts the nation’s call for more skilled workers in vocational fields. He emphasized that many engineers possess practical training, yet the education system requires a specific type of qualification that may not align with industry needs.

Concerns have also been raised by business organizations like NHO and student bodies such as ANSA, calling for more flexible regulations for Norwegians wishing to study overseas. They argue that the current framework creates unnecessary barriers, especially when there is a recognized demand for professionals in sectors like aviation and aerospace.

Ivar Prestbakmo, the State Secretary for Research and Higher Education, acknowledged a need to revisit these regulations but noted that any changes would not affect Olsen’s situation in the immediate future. The current rules remain unchanged for this academic year, leaving many hopeful students in limbo.

(via nrk.no)