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Horse farm transforms into €30 million luxury resort in Ylläs, Finland

Tuesday 20th 2024 on 10:08 in  

One horse’s need for a stable in Ylläs has evolved into a €30 million luxury resort nestled in the Lapland wilderness. This ambitious project is the brainchild of Sampo Kaulonen and was inspired by his wife Michele Murphy-Kaula’s passion for horses.

“It all started with one horse that needed a stable, and as soon as we found a place, we got another horse, and it gradually expanded from there,” Kaulonen explained. As their fascination with horses grew, so did their need for more space. In recent years, the couple has invested half a million euros in land to accommodate their vision.

During a trip to South America, Kaulonen envisioned creating a resort that would offer alternative healing methods, such as therapeutic interactions with horses, allowing visitors to connect more deeply with nature and themselves. This idea is now coming to fruition in Ylläs.

Plans for the Jänkä Resort are progressing rapidly, with construction having begun this week after receiving necessary permits. The couple even attended travel fairs in Singapore to promote their concept of a healing relationship between horses and people.

Currently, the site consists only of horse stables, paddocks, and riding arenas. The first phase of construction will include 13 vacation apartments accommodating around 50 guests, scheduled for completion by Christmas next year. The target audience is primarily Asian tourists, reflected in the design of the bathrooms and toilets, tailored for comfort and convenience.

The estimated cost for the first phase stands at about €6 million, funded personally by Kaulonen. Future phases will incorporate wellness facilities, restaurants, and swimming pools, potentially bringing the total investment to €30 million, which Kaulonen believes may even be an underestimate.

(via yle.fi)