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Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency updates speed limits across 78,000 kilometers of road network

Tuesday 20th 2024 on 07:13 in  

Guidelines for speed limits on Finnish roads are currently being updated by the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency (Väylävirasto). As a result, regional ELY centers will set speed limits for approximately 78,000 kilometers of road network. Jaakko Klang, an accident researcher and traffic safety advocate from Kaarina, is actively following Nordic efforts to enhance road safety. He believes Finland should adopt what he refers to as the “Swedish model,” which lowers the speed limit from 100 to 80 kilometers per hour on roads without central barriers separating opposing traffic.

“My perspective is based on international research and the principles of Sweden’s Vision Zero, which aligns speeds with human tolerance,” Klang explains. He cites that the probability of death in a head-on collision drops to under 30 percent at 80 km/h, compared to nearly 100 percent at 100 km/h. Klang’s views have sparked discussion after he shared them in a local newspaper, with some critics arguing that lower speed limits could weaken society. Nevertheless, Klang reiterates that political will plays a crucial role in changing speed limits.

He shares a personal connection to the issue, noting, “My father died in a traffic accident. I have studied the causes and theories behind accidents, and I want to reduce them. I aim to inform others about the risks of driving at high speeds to ensure we all arrive at our destinations alive.”

Moreover, Finland aims to halve traffic fatalities from 2020 levels by 2030, a target Klang believes is difficult to achieve without also reassessing speed limits based on safety, like in Norway and Sweden. Klang emphasizes the importance of driving within one’s capabilities, particularly for older drivers, encouraging them to travel slower if needed for safety.

(via yle.fi)