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Theresa Scavenius launches Grønne Demokrater party to address undemocratic practices in Denmark

Tuesday 20th 2024 on 07:03 in  

Those who believe that democracy is thriving may find the political agenda presented by independent politician Theresa Scavenius for her newly launched party, Grønne Demokrater, to be disappointing. Scavenius argues that the current parliament is becoming increasingly undemocratic and opaque, with laws rushed through without genuine opposition, fostering a culture of secrecy that erodes citizens’ trust in politicians.

She believes that the free and open democratic legislative process has been stifled, largely due to the party system. Consequently, she deems it necessary to start anew. “Citizens elect representatives for policies they don’t receive, and we need to address this,” she explains, emphasizing the need to restore democracy. Scavenius envisions her party as a response to the current atmosphere in the Danish Parliament, which she describes as undemocratic, pointing out that political agreements are often formed in closed spaces that citizens cannot sufficiently monitor.

Regarding the necessity of forming a new political party, Scavenius asserts that legislation has shifted from open discussions to closed-door negotiations. She insists that her party will not have a party line, allowing members to vote according to their own beliefs, reflecting their election mandate.

Scavenius criticizes the established parties for failing to address the climate crisis, accusing them of political greenwashing and superficial solutions. Her party will focus on environmental and technological issues. She also states that if elected, her party will not participate in broader political agreements, maintaining their freedom to vote independently on legislation.

Despite facing criticism from colleagues for her complaints about parliamentary practices, Scavenius is determined to spark a necessary political discussion on the workings of the Danish Parliament.

(via dr.dk)