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Goldsmith observes trend of smaller rings amongst young adults in Finland

Tuesday 20th 2024 on 05:23 in  

Jyrki Karvinen, a master goldsmith, has made an intriguing observation: each year, he finds himself crafting increasingly smaller rings for young adults. He attributes this trend to changing lifestyles, noting that modern children and young people are less engaged in physical labor and more engrossed in devices.

Jewelry store Tillander has also recognized this shift, particularly among urban young men, whose engagement rings are becoming smaller. Karvinen highlights this change, showing that the slim fingers of today’s youth are reflected in the rings sold in his shop.

Mikko Skutnabb, a hand surgeon at Terveystalo, confirms Karvinen’s observations, noting that young office workers often have more delicate hands compared to those who grew up in more physically demanding environments. Skutnabb explains that many people’s hands do not receive enough exercise to strengthen the muscles and thicken the skin, which could account for the observed reduction in ring sizes.

He emphasizes the importance of activities during childhood, which contribute to the development of a strong foundational structure, including bones and cartilage, up to the age of 16. While adults can develop larger muscles through training, the basic framework of human hands primarily develops in childhood, and the muscles that move fingers are located in the palm and forearm.

Karvinen notes that the average size for women’s engagement rings has dropped from 17.5 to around 16 since he began working as a goldsmith 40 years ago. Men’s rings, which used to average above size 20, now often start from size 17. In larger cities, size 19 is commonplace, while rural areas still feature much larger sizes.

(via yle.fi)