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South Korean inspectors find hazardous chemicals in women’s products sold on Shein, Temu, and AliExpress

Monday 19th 2024 on 21:04 in  

South Korean authorities have recently conducted inspections of women’s products sold on platforms such as Shein, Temu, and AliExpress, revealing concerning results. According to reports, some shoes were found to contain hormone-disrupting phthalates at levels exceeding permissible limits by over 200 times, and caps contained formaldehyde at twice the allowed concentration, a known carcinogen.

A Shein representative stated that the company collaborates closely with international testing firms to ensure compliance with safety regulations. In contrast, Temu emphasized their commitment to consumer safety and adherence to laws and regulations, noting that sellers on their platform must provide substantial documentation and face regular spot checks.

The European Chemicals Agency has highlighted that customers purchasing goods within the EU have the right to know if their products contain any substances listed on the Candidate List of particularly hazardous substances. However, a Nordic e-commerce oversight project in 2020 found that only about 22% of products bought outside the EU met European chemical safety standards.

Daniel Ahlström from the Swedish Chemicals Agency indicated that regular exposure, rather than occasional use, poses significant health risks. The agency has discovered toxic substances such as cadmium and lead in products from both Shein and Temu. Phthalates, particularly DBP and DIBP, were noted for their potential impact on reproductive health, while lead can damage the nervous system and learning ability, especially in vulnerable populations like fetuses and children.

In cases of found hazardous substances, the agency informs the platforms, leading to the removal of the unsafe products from sale.

(via svt.se)