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Parents express concerns over proposed merger of Ådalskolen and Karen Blixen Skolen in Kolding

Monday 19th 2024 on 20:29 in  

Concerns have been raised regarding a proposed restructuring of leadership at Ådalskolen, a specialized school for autistic children in Vamdrup, near Kolding. A group of parents warns that the suggested merger of Ådalskolen and another special school, Karen Blixen Skolen, into two nearby mainstream schools could negatively impact the well-being of their children and compromise the school’s current high academic and pedagogical standards.

Local politicians in Kolding Municipality have initiated a public consultation on the proposal, which aims to save over half a million kroner by consolidating the leadership of both specialized schools under the governance of the local public schools. While the administration argues that this change could enhance collaboration and knowledge sharing between general and special education, parents fear it could dilute the specialized focus their children currently receive.

Helene Baarup-Christensen, chair of Ådalskolen’s school board and mother to a child enrolled there, expressed deep concerns in a letter to local officials. She noted that fewer financial resources might be allocated to specialized education should the merger occur, undermining the dedicated care that children need.

Karina Bundgaard, president of the autism association, echoed these sentiments, stating that a shared leadership model risks prioritizing the needs of the majority over those of children with special needs. She warned that such consolidations have led to challenging decisions in other municipalities, where principals typically favor resources for the majority of students over specialized support.

The consultation period runs until September 9, with the local council expected to make a final decision on the proposal by September 24.

(via dr.dk)