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Norovirus outbreak linked to camping activities in Rangárvellir, Iceland

Monday 19th 2024 on 19:35 in  

In early August, more than 60 individuals fell ill due to a norovirus outbreak at Rangárvellir. Investigations are underway to determine whether the infection spread through person-to-person contact or contaminated drinking water.

As of August 19, health authorities confirmed the presence of norovirus in at least six individuals. However, not all those who reported sickness were tested, leading officials to conclude that symptoms shared by the majority were likely due to the same virus. The outbreak was initially reported at Rjúpnavellir, but it has since been revealed that people who stayed in various locations around Rangárvellir have also reported illness.

Sigrún Guðmundsdóttir, director of the South Iceland Health Inspectorate, noted that the highly contagious nature of norovirus may have allowed it to spread among campers moving between huts. Samples from drinking water at Rjúpnavellir tested positive for E. coli bacteria shortly after the illness was reported on August 7, albeit in low quantities. Water samples from other areas in Rangárvellir have been collected and sent for analysis to investigate the possible presence of noroviruses in local water sources.

The health department continues its investigation as concerns grow over the increased number of cases linked to recent camping activities. Further testing is being conducted to ensure the safety of the water supply in the area.

(via ruv.is)