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Bris reports significant increase in crime-related calls from children in Sweden

Monday 19th 2024 on 18:53 in  

Contacts regarding crime and gang-related issues from children to Bris, a children’s rights organization, constitute a small percentage of total inquiries, but there has been a significant increase this summer. Bris has received 127 calls about crime from children, up from 67 during the same period last year.

The trend began during the previous summer vacation, with more young people involved in gang criminality or influenced by local crime seeking help. Many of these young individuals are in their early teens, with issues often starting as early as 10 or 11 years of age and persisting for several years. The concerns highlight youth being lured into networks and experiencing threats, leading them to feel unsafe and wanting to escape.

Some children express fear of being drawn into gangs, stating they are afraid to go outside due to recruitment efforts. Bris is adapting its support methods to address these crime-related conversations, emphasizing the importance of remaining calm and listening, rather than pushing immediate solutions.

Confidentiality remains a cornerstone of Bris’s approach, ensuring that young individuals can reach out anonymously. However, in serious situations, children may forego anonymity, which is also encouraged.

This summer, Bris handled a total of 10,330 support contacts, a 28% increase from the previous year, marking the highest number ever recorded. The rise in contacts is attributed to the availability of anonymous SMS help and the addition of more counselors. Bris interprets this increase positively, viewing it as a sign that more children are receiving the support they need.

(via svt.se)