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Scam attempts in Finland surge as authorities highlight network-assisted fraud

Monday 19th 2024 on 18:03 in  

In Finland, there are an estimated one million attempted scams each month, according to Juha Tretjakov, a cybersecurity specialist at the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency, Traficom. Telecom operators reported blocking millions of scam calls during the summer. Reports of fraud are on the rise, and various scam methods and techniques are continuously evolving.

A new international megatrend affecting Finland is network-assisted fraud, as highlighted by Police Commissioner Jussi Larvanto from the National Bureau of Investigation. They spoke at a media event on Monday, which was part of the “Now Alert!” campaign organized by Traficom’s Cybersecurity Center, the Digital and Population Data Services Agency, and the police. The campaign’s website offers guidance on recognizing online scams and advises on what to do if one falls victim.

The number of scam reports is steadily increasing. Tretjakov noted that in the year before last, approximately 8,000 reports of various online scams and phishing attempts were made to the Cybersecurity Center. Last year, that figure rose to over 13,000, and by now this year, there have already been about 9,800 reports, suggesting another record year is likely.

Larvanto mentioned that a new trend involves network-assisted scams, where the sector has evolved into a service-type model, providing criminals with ready-made tools. This accessibility reduces the need for technical expertise, allowing for numerous methods and perpetrators. According to data from Finance Finland (Finanssiala Ry), Finnish citizens faced scam attempts worth 77 million euros in 2023, with banks preventing around 33 million euros, while 44 million euros fell into the hands of criminals. The most significant fraud threats last year involved investment scams, romance scams, and phishing for banking credentials, with sales advertisements being the most common method of perpetration, accounting for nearly 40% of all scam cases this year.

(via yle.fi)