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Farmers implement Nofence technology in Sør-Fron municipality to enhance grazing safety

Monday 19th 2024 on 16:54 in  

Farmers in Sør-Fron municipality have implemented Nofence technology to enhance the grazing season for their animals and ensure safety for cabin owners and tourists. This technology enables farmers to mark areas on a map through an app, alerting animals with a signal when they approach the boundaries of a virtual fence.

Pål Egil Rønn, a farmer who also runs cabin and hotel operations in Gålå, acknowledges the high cost of the technology and suggests a collaborative funding approach among those who benefit from it. While subsidies for such investments are available, he notes that the funds are limited, according to local authorities.

Rønn emphasizes the advantages of using the technology: a more efficient daily routine for farmers, a stress-free grazing experience for animals, and increased safety for visitors. He explains how the system works; if an animal crosses into a restricted area, an alarm sounds, and if the animal continues to ignore it, a shock is administered. This allows farmers and tourists to track animal locations in real time, promoting a more secure environment.

Despite these benefits, Rønn points out that the initial costs are a significant barrier. Each collar costs approximately NOK 3,590, plus an annual subscription fee. For Rønn, who has 60 animals with collars, the first-year expense is over NOK 250,000.

Local authorities report a growing demand for subsidies to invest in electronic monitoring equipment. Given the limited funding available, many applications remain pending. Jorunn Stubsjøen, a senior advisor, supports the idea of shared funding to address these conflicts.

Ultimately, while the technology improves coexistence between livestock and the public, it also raises questions about grazing rights and responsibilities, which will need to be navigated carefully in the future.

(via nrk.no)