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Police investigate shooting incident as illegal threats in Lahti

Monday 19th 2024 on 16:31 in  

The Hämeen police are investigating a shooting that occurred on Friday evening in Lahti as illegal threats, endangerment, and firearm offenses. The main suspects are two middle-aged men from Lahti. A total of seven individuals were arrested in connection with the incident but have since been released. The shooting, which took place in the courtyard of an apartment building, prompted a significant police operation. Authorities advised residents to stay indoors during the event, though no injuries were reported.

Mukkula, a neighborhood located about four kilometers from downtown Lahti, has a reputation for unrest linked to events from previous decades. Residents expressed their feelings after the shooting, which echoed widely in the area. Päivi Kukkonen, a local resident, was alarmed upon hearing news of the police operation and immediately felt concerned about the potential presence of a shooter nearby. Her husband had reported hearing gunfire while out for a run, adding to their anxiety.

Erja Katajamäki, another resident, noticed the police presence and recalled a past fire in the same area, although she remains unconcerned about safety in Mukkula. She appreciates the local scenery and intends to continue living there.

Henry Virtanen, a longtime resident, acknowledged occasional unrest in the shopping center but believes it reflects a broader societal issue rather than a localized problem. Meanwhile, Hanneli Isokääntä noted that continual reports of gun violence have desensitized her. She expressed a desire for her son to avoid encountering such situations, lamenting the state of the world today.

(via yle.fi)