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Helsinki urges high school students to reconsider nasujaiset traditions

Monday 19th 2024 on 15:24 in  

This past weekend, traditional “nasujaiset” ceremonies were held for new high school students in Finland. These events have a long-standing tradition of humbling first-year students through various activities. Notably, nasujaiset occur outside of school hours and locations, making it difficult for high schools to prohibit their organization.

In response to the culture surrounding nasujaiset, the city of Helsinki has urged high school students to consider discontinuing this tradition.

The public is encouraged to share their experiences from this year’s nasujaiset with Yle, which is collecting stories for an upcoming article. Those sharing their experiences are assured that their responses will only be used with permission and that no information will be published without their consent. Personal information will be handled solely by the journalists involved in the project.

If you would like to share your experience, please provide your name, age, location, phone number, and optionally an email address. If you have questions regarding the submission process, you can reach out to [email protected].

(via yle.fi)