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Kringvarpið archives upgrade estimated at 20 million Danish kroner according to Sirið Stenberg

Monday 19th 2024 on 14:34 in  
Faroe Islands

It is estimated that upgrading all archives of Kringvarpið will cost around 20 million Danish kroner, according to Sirið Stenberg, the Minister of Culture.

In response to Helgi Abrahamsen, a member of the Parliament, who inquired about when the digital archive of Kringvarpið will be accessible to the public, Stenberg affirmed that work on this matter is ongoing.

Stenberg elaborated that the archives of Kringvarpið are significantly larger than what was included in the previous “Savns-gull” project, being nearly three times as extensive. The “Savns-gull” project encompassed material from Kringvarpið dating from 1957 until shortly after the turn of the millennium.

The upgrade of the archives is expected to be completed by 2028/29. Stenberg noted that substantial work and much cataloging must be done with the material before the archive can be made publicly accessible. Additionally, there are concerns regarding copyright issues that need to be addressed.

(via kvf.fo)