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Danish royal couple embarks on inaugural summer tour visiting Bornholm aboard royal yacht Dannebrog

Monday 19th 2024 on 14:24 in  

Today, the Danish royal couple is visiting Bornholm, marking Rønne as their first stop on King Frederik and Queen Mary’s inaugural official summer tour aboard the royal yacht, Dannebrog. Over the next four days, the yacht will take the couple to Bornholm, Ærø, Assens, and finally Vejle.

While the itinerary in each of the four locations varies, the structure of the royal visit remains consistent. The monarch arrives on the royal yacht and is welcomed by the local mayor, followed by visits to selected sites in the municipality, concluding with a reception for local leaders aboard the yacht.

The new royal couple has already added their own touch to the summer tour, as a video shared on the royal family’s Instagram features Queen Mary filming King Frederik sailing them to the yacht, sending greetings to the four host towns.

The primary purpose of the summer tour remains unchanged: to connect the monarch with the public and gauge the sentiments within the kingdom.

The tradition of summer tours dates back to Christian IX, who began visiting selected cities by royal yacht in the late 19th century. The initial yacht, also named Dannebrog, served as a paddle steamer from 1880, and King Frederik’s great-grandfather, Christian X, later established summer tours as an integral part of the royal family’s annual schedule.

Historically, this practice allowed kings to maintain their popularity and accessibility during a time when there was no internet or newspapers. The tradition features receptions for local leaders and embodies the ongoing connection between the monarchy and the Danish populace. While formal audiences will not take place during this tour, locals will still have ample opportunity to see and greet the royal couple. As they determine their focus, the royal couple can increasingly influence their itinerary and interactions with the municipalities they visit.

(via dr.dk)