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Police rectify arrest errors in Elokapina environmental protest near Kemi, Finland

Monday 19th 2024 on 13:38 in  

The police have rectified erroneous decisions made during a criminal investigation related to the environmental protest organized by Elokapina. According to the Lapland Police Department, some of the protestors received notifications indicating that they had been arrested, despite this not being true. The issue of incorrect arrest recordings was previously reported by Kaleva.

Elokapina staged a protest in front of the Kemi pulp mill in September 2023. The participants were suspected of resisting police, but according to Kaleva, the prosecutor has decided to limit the pre-trial investigation after the police proposed halting the inquiry due to the minor nature of the incidents. As a result, the protestors will face no criminal consequences.

The police have stated that the affected individuals will receive new notifications shortly, which will correct the erroneous information. They will not need to apply separately for the correction of the mistake.

(via yle.fi)