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Man arrested by Security Police in Sweden following European Arrest Warrant

Monday 19th 2024 on 12:08 in  

A man was arrested by the Security Police in Sweden following a decision made by prosecutor Mats Ljungqvist on Thursday. The arrest took place on Friday at an undisclosed location. Authorities in Sweden received a European Arrest Warrant a few days prior, indicating that the man is suspected of committing a terrorist offense.

Details surrounding the allegations remain confidential, as the prosecutor stated that he could not disclose specifics about the charges or which country issued the warrant. The man had previously been sought by Russia, but the current extradition request comes from a different European nation.

Prosecutor Ljungqvist confirmed, “It concerns a European country since it is a European Arrest Warrant.” A custody hearing is set to take place this afternoon, where the Attunda District Court will determine whether the man will be released or extradited to the requesting European country.

(via svt.se)