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Parliamentary Auditors to review Housing Loan Fund report from National Audit Office in Sweden

Monday 19th 2024 on 11:13 in  
Faroe Islands

Tomorrow, the Parliamentary Auditors will address whether the report on the Housing Loan Fund, released by the National Audit Office in April, should be presented to the Parliament.

If the report is submitted, it will be subject to discussion there.

Should the auditors decide to present the report to Parliament, they will also provide commentary on it.

Overall, the National Audit Office has expressed concerns regarding the Housing Loan Fund, stating that it does not clearly outline the conditions or framework for integrating joint projects with others.

Additionally, the National Audit Office has submitted a report to the Parliamentary Auditors regarding the discrepancies between budget allocations and actual expenditure for the 2023 financial year.

This report will also be discussed at the meeting of the Parliamentary Auditors tomorrow.

(via kvf.fo)