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Youth in Parikkala express calm living near Russian border despite regional tensions

Sunday 18th 2024 on 13:38 in  

In Parikkala, South Karelia, young summer vacationers sit casually by the town square. When asked how it feels to live so close to the border with Russia, the topic does not stimulate conversation. However, the unanimous response from the youth is that it doesn’t frighten them. The town square is approximately 7,800 meters from the Russian border, and Parikkala shares about 65 kilometers of land border with its eastern neighbor.

The situation at the border has been a subject of media focus, raising fears and uncertainties. To explore local sentiments, we interviewed Parikkala’s youth, aiming to understand their perspectives on living near the eastern border, which has been under scrutiny over the past year. Data from Statistics Finland shows that just under 10% of Parikkala’s population, around 4,400 residents, are under 15 years old.

The topic is tricky, causing some discomfort. Fifteen-year-old Elsa Pirhonen looks to her friend for support and says, “I can’t say.” Despite national news coverage, local youth seem to overlook living amidst these discussions.

A recent study titled “Young People as the Future Makers of Eastern Finland,” found that over half of the eastern Finnish youth believe the proximity to the border does not disrupt local life. Saku Leppinen, 17, and Jone Pekonen, 16, express familiarity and safety in their hometown, suggesting that they are more concerned about urban life in southern Finland than the border itself.

While many youths have adapted to the border’s presence, nearly half of those surveyed under 30 still experience some fear. The mid-winter incidents involving migrants crossing the border have also sparked conversation among them.

Despite the calm in Parikkala, the perspective on border security differs greatly, with many acknowledging the importance of being part of NATO for national security.

(via yle.fi)