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Mayor Kent Ranum prepares for meeting with Trøndelag mayors in Trondheim

Sunday 18th 2024 on 12:53 in  

The mayor of Norway’s third-largest city is preparing for a meeting with fellow mayors from Trøndelag. Everything is nearly set for Kent Ranum: his speech is ready, and the mayoral chain is polished and shining. However, one question remains—should he wear a tie? His 20-year-old political adviser, Vegard Sem, responds firmly: “Yes, you need to wear a tie.”

In the mayor’s office in Trondheim, discussions, advice, and brainstorming take up a significant portion of their workday. Despite their age difference—Ranum is 48 and Sem is just starting his political career—the two have established a productive working relationship. Ranum describes Sem as his “right foot,” emphasizing the importance of teamwork despite their differing opinions, adding that he values having someone who challenges his views.

Vegard Sem feels honored to be in this role, admitting he was somewhat surprised when the opportunity arose. Nonetheless, he was quick to accept, stating, “It’s a huge privilege to go to work every day and try to improve others’ daily lives.” He finds the role highly motivating and looks forward to his responsibilities in managing one of Norway’s largest cities.

Ranum believes that Sem represents the future of the Conservative Party, stating that he is a remarkable political talent and appreciating his ability to bring younger perspectives into the office. While Sem has recently taken on the role, Ranum acknowledges the possibility that he could soon be recruited for a higher position in Oslo if the Conservative Party performs well in the upcoming elections.

As for his own future, Sem is not anxious. He values education but is focused on his current role, noting that it is not something he can easily juggle with studies at this time.

(via nrk.no)