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Navy implements new work-life balance measures at 1st Squadron in Frederikshavn

Sunday 18th 2024 on 07:38 in  

Previously, the North Atlantic fleet and the inspection vessel ‘Vædderen’ were deployed at sea for eight to nine weeks at a time. This has now been reduced to six weeks. Previously, crew members often received calls to return to work for maintenance and repairs shortly after returning home; these responsibilities have now been delegated to other colleagues. The changes were implemented at the Navy’s 1st Squadron in Frederikshavn last year, and they are already noticing positive effects, as there is now a better balance between work and personal life.

The unit’s chief of staff, Morten Hvilshøj, reports that the number of vacancies has decreased by three percent at a time when personnel shortages in the military have been rising. He believes that extended separations from family directly impact the retention and recruitment of personnel. In discussions with outgoing staff, the 1st Squadron has sought to understand what would make military service more attractive. According to Hvilshøj, extended absences from family are no longer acceptable.

Before these changes, the unit was short 23 skilled workers, but now the number has dropped to just 5 or 6. Hvilshøj emphasized the importance of balancing a defense career with family life, arguing that despite shorter missions, the quality of work remains high. The 1st Squadron can achieve the same objectives in six weeks that once took eight. He highlighted the new maintenance crew as a key factor in enhancing job desirability, allowing ship personnel to rest while maintaining operations.

The Central Association for Maritime Personnel welcomes these improvements, acknowledging that many employees struggle to find time to participate in their children’s upbringing. However, addressing personnel shortages effectively may require more than just shorter missions, as salary issues also need attention.

(via dr.dk)