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Norway introduces iPad restrictions for younger students in Drammen amid concerns over inappropriate content

Saturday 17th 2024 on 21:53 in  

As the new school year begins on Monday, excitement fills the air for thousands of children in Norway. In Drammen, younger students in grades 1 to 3 will use iPads equipped with a new restriction system. Earlier this summer, it was revealed that students could access inappropriate content on these devices, sparking concern among parents and educators.

Cathrin Janøy, a mother and local politician, expressed her shock over the situation. She contacted Thomas Larsen Sola, the municipality’s director for kindergartens and schools, who quickly implemented a solution. “We have established a whitelist, meaning that all websites are blocked, and schools and teachers must enable sites that are necessary for educational purposes,” he explained.

Christer Veland Aas, the managing director of Climbr, highlighted that this issue likely affects municipalities across Norway. His recent report on digitalization in schools indicates that children are not adequately shielded from harmful content and are bombarded with advertisements on school devices. Out of the 372 parents surveyed, 100 out of 103 municipalities reported the potential for children to download harmful material, including violence, pornography, and more.

Despite existing restrictions, a safety audit revealed substantial gaps, leading Janøy to advocate for national guidelines to ensure proper protection for students. “It shouldn’t depend on individual municipalities or parents, as many schools lack the resources or expertise needed,” she noted.

While Drammen officials are working to enhance security on school devices, they acknowledge that students are still exposed to digital risks at home. Schools aim to educate children on digital responsibility alongside parental guidance.

(via nrk.no)