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Dolphins spotted at Reynisfjara beach in Iceland amidst rising sightings in shallow waters

Saturday 17th 2024 on 21:08 in  

Bottlenose dolphins have been spotted frequently at Reynisfjara beach recently, with a noticeable increase in sightings in shallow waters. Marine biologist Guðjón Már Sigurðsson notes that this species is virtually the only type that searches for food in such shallow areas. He describes the dolphin as somewhat of an opportunist, indicating that if there is something to eat near the shore, they will venture close to the beach.

Guðjón mentions that the number of bottlenose dolphins along Iceland’s coasts has gradually been rising since monitoring began, attributing this change to wider ecological shifts. The dolphins have been notably present in local fjords, where they feed on herring and have also started to target a new species, sprat, which was introduced to Iceland in 2017. This species is typically found near the shoreline, leading to increased dolphin sightings near the coast.

When questioned about potential dangers associated with dolphins swimming so close to shore, Guðjón acknowledges a slight risk. However, he reassures that healthy dolphins should be able to navigate these waters safely, as the depth at Reynisfjara can change rapidly. Overall, this phenomenon highlights the dolphins’ adaptability and the dynamic nature of marine life in Icelandic waters.

(via ruv.is)