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Copenhagen Pride parade showcases resilience despite sponsor withdrawals and controversy

Saturday 17th 2024 on 19:48 in  

The streets of Copenhagen, bathed in sunshine, reached a vibrant climax during this year’s Pride week with the traditional parade. Although the atmosphere was festive under a clear blue sky, it has been a tumultuous year for Copenhagen Pride, the organization behind the festival and parade aimed at highlighting the rights of LGBTI+ individuals.

In January, Copenhagen Pride expressed solidarity with the Palestinian people on its Facebook page, and in February, all sponsors were questioned about their “interests and activities in Israel and Palestine.” This led to several sponsors withdrawing their support. Last year, the event had 72 official sponsors, while this year’s count has dropped to around 40.

Despite the challenges, the parade marched resiliently through adverse conditions, starting from Frederiksberg Town Hall and culminating at City Hall Square in central Copenhagen. A selection of images from the day’s Pride parade has been compiled to capture the spirit of the event.

(via dr.dk)