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Hattarvikings celebrate successful puffin hunt at Urðin after 16 years

Saturday 17th 2024 on 15:28 in  
Faroe Islands

The Hattarvikings are celebrating their first visit to Urðin in 16 years, having successfully caught approximately 1,800 puffins this year.

While there have been plenty of puffins sighted at Trøllanesi and Viðareiði, reports indicate a noticeable lack of birds for hunting.

For those interested in hearing more about the event, an audio segment is available that provides further insights.

This resurgence in puffin hunting activity reflects a long-standing tradition in the region, where local communities engage in this practice as part of their cultural heritage and connection with nature.

Despite the changes in puffin populations, the excitement of returning to Urðin after such a long absence has reinvigorated the community and sparked interest in sustainable hunting practices that ensure the preservation of these iconic seabirds.

(via kvf.fo)