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Skateboarders in Tornio face closure of indoor skatepark in Finland

Friday 16th 2024 on 20:33 in  

Skateboarders in Finland threaten to lose their only indoor skatepark located in Tornio, the northernmost skate facility in the country. The local association, Länsirajan Rullalautailijat, was informed this week that the space at Lapin Elämyskeskus, where the skatepark is situated, will be rented out to a new operator. This change would repurpose the area for storage, necessitating the demolition of the existing skatepark. The new lease is set to take effect next week.

“We are collecting signatures for a petition to appeal to the operators of Lappari and the city of Tornio to reverse the decision to tear down the park,” said Riku Lokka, president of the association and a longtime skateboarder. Tornio city has previously provided the association with an annual facility grant of €3,000. The space also accommodates scooter users, roller skaters, and BMX riders, with skate clubs organized during the winter months for young beginners.

Veli-Matti Mykkälä, from Arctic Properties, which leases the area, stated that the skatepark is being rented out due to the skateboarders’ inability to afford the rising rent. “We have supported skateboarders with around €100,000 over the years through lower rental rates due to a lack of other applicants,” he noted. He also suggested that there could be other available locations for skateboarders in former factory spaces.

Additionally, the skatepark in Oulu will also close due to similar financial constraints faced by the local skateboarding association. According to Santeri Sihvonen, executive director of the Finnish Skateboard Association, the closure of these facilities poses significant risks to the skateboarding community in northern Finland, depriving enthusiasts of essential practice spaces.

(via yle.fi)